How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! (Isaiah 52:7)

Our September / October, 2024 Newsletter

Reader Elections - Prepare in the Reading Room
Reading Room Newsletter

September / October  2024

Dear Friends,

As always in this issue we have curated a broad selection of articles and podcasts from our wonderful Christian Science periodicals and websites. We hope this will inspire you to pick up a copy and read the whole issue.  Or perhaps log on to a website and peruse additional content.  

There is information on the new Christian Science Audio initiative with a link. We've also included links to articles for the upcoming Reader election. 

A note from The Mother Church: On August 1, The Christian Science Publishing Society will adjust wholesale and retail prices for many Reading Room products. It responds to increased prices to CSPS from third-party sellers of Bible study resources and marking supplies. Prices in the Roswell Reading Room will increase as new stock is ordered.


Thank you all for your continuing support of our Reading Room. 


With love, 

Andrea Hunter, Librarian

Hallie Keel Co-Librarian / Editor

Contact us at

Read the Newsletter at




New from TMC

Discover Christian Science Audio on the new webpage

Find and share Christian Science study resources, podcasts, and music – in one place.

 Listen to podcasts from JSH-Online, The Christian Science Monitor, The Mary Baker Eddy Library, and


 Tune in to Sunday and Wednesday church services from The Mother Church;  Listen to continuous audio of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures;  Enjoy recordings of hymns, children’s songs, and Christian Science lectures;  Purchase products including CDs, audiobooks, and audio collections.


Visit to start listening.

Christian Science Audio Link

Reader Elections

The Reading Room invites you to pray for our Reader elections on Monday, September 16th.  Whether you are eligible to serve or just voting, please consider some research from the Pastor, Writings of Mary Baker Eddy or JSHonline in support of this vital branch church election. The staff has recommended the following articles to support your efforts. 

The Reader Prays


Dear God, this is a sacred, selfless hour.
May I be clothed with Christ's humility
And know Thine is the glory and the power.
Not person but Thy likeness may men see.

I cannot fear when I am serving Thee
That any evil power can do me wrong.
The desk—the very place I love to be—
Is not a target but a fortress strong.

Lord, bless the ones who gather here today,
Who reach out for the truth to make them free.
For each heart filled with suffering or dismay
Must drop its burdens, healed while praising Thee.

I pray Thy voice and only Thine be heard
That rings out with Thy love so clear and sweet
It gives the perfect meaning of Thy Word—
For I, too, listen humbly at Thy feet.


from the Christian Science Sentinel
MARCH 29, 1947 ISSUE


From the Sentinel

Christian Science Sentinel

Do prayer and exercise
go together?

John Biggs

 ...I was just finishing a set of Spiderman push-ups when something in my back went all weird. Awkwardly, I struggled to stand up. Bouncing on my toes for a second just to see . . . Wow, yeah, I was done exercising for the day. 

Gingerly I walked home, sure that I’d feel better tomorrow. I was training for a big endurance obstacle course—a ten-mile run interspersed with twenty different obstacles—and this intense workout I’d been doing seemed like just the thing to get me ready for it.

But now this injury threatened to derail it all. For the rest of the week, I couldn’t run, much less do other exercises. And then one week turned into two....

Read Full Article

The Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy—is a key feature in the lives of its adherents. Prior to the advent of computers on a mass scale, Christian Scientists used print concordances to aid their exploration of these and other related materials. But the digital age offered new ways to access this content... In the 1980s, Dr. Tom Fuller and his colleagues at The Christian Science Publishing Society began developing a computer-based study resource, which they would eventually name Concord. 

This month we explore the living history and importance of the Concord program, including how its developers are still breaking new ground today. 

On Concord

Christian Science Monitor

HK: Imagine-In the United States, people waste 92 billion pounds of food annually, equal to 145 billion meals. I was so glad to see this article from the Monitor!

Chefs are turning wasted food into high-quality dishes – from ice cream to pizza. The upcycling movement, which aims to address the problem of food waste in the United States, is growing in popularity as consumers are increasingly environmentally conscious.

Challenging Food Waste
Outreach and Charity 


  • Cereal
  • Canned Fish and Meats
  • Soups
  • Juice Boxes
  • Ramen
  • Jelly
  • All Canned Beans
  • Peanut Butter
  • Pasta
  • Spaghettios, Stews, Manwich etc.
NFCC.ORG for Direct Donations

Mind Is the Mover


From the July 1974 issue of The Christian Science Journal

...Spiritual ideas are not physical; so spiritual action—the only true action occurring anywhere—is spontaneous and consistently good. It is God-sustained.

To demonstrate and enjoy the blessings of normal mobility, one must spiritually value its immortal, unphysical nature. One must identify movement with "the Spirit of God" and acknowledge that, as God's expression, movement is not mortal but immortal, therefore effortless. Movement is the result of divine Mind's knowing, and this activity is never labored or strained. Neither does immortality lapse into mortality, Life into inertness, rigidity, insensibility, or lifelessness. These are mortal misconceptions of the activity included in true being. Christian Science exposes their falsity and helps us prove that any degree of abnormal immobility is impossible....

Full Article
Hours of Operation


Closed Saturday, August 31  and Monday, September 2nd for Labor Day

Monday 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Tuesday 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Wednesday 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm
Thursday 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Friday 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Saturday 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday - briefly after the service
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Roswell
10920 Houze Rd., Roswell, GA 30076  / Phone: 770-998-9977  

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