Dear Friends -
March is Women's History Month. It is the perfect time to reflect on our Leader. Our theme photo is a drawing of the Baker farm in Bow, New Hampshire. The Reading Room was established by Mrs. Eddy to provide a systematic outreach to communities by inherently qualified and committed individuals. Help us cherish this integral part of our church and specially designed to love and support the Cause of Christian Science Healing.
Prayer for Peace - Prayers for world peace are effective. Let's be persistent in our prayers for all mankind. The Reading Room offers use of our computers loaded with JSHonline and Concord - two wonderful resources for finding inspiration. The cost of JSH is $24 / month and Concord is $80 / year. We offer both of these websites free to our members and friends.
NFCC -Remember our neighbors in need through monthly donations to the North Fulton Community Charities. To support NFCC we offer a basket in the sales room for your ongoing donations. We are open during the week and available when you come to Sunday services and Wednesdays evening meetings. Cash donations can be made through the envelopes in the pew racks or on the website.
With love,
Andrea Hunter, Librarian
Hallie Keel, Asst. Librarian / Editor
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