Christian Science Sentinel
Prayer helped me
by Daniel
I was with my family at a garden center. I didn’t feel very well.
I asked Mummy if I could go to the restroom, and she said yes. I went in there to have some time to think.
This is what I thought. I knew that God was with me. In Christian Science Sunday School, I have been learning that God’s love is everywhere and that I am always in His loving arms. I prayed a children’s prayer written by Mary Baker Eddy that I learned in Sunday School. It goes like this:
Father-Mother God,
Loving me,—
Guard me when I sleep;
Guide my little feet
Up to Thee.
(Poems, p. 69)
I wasn’t going to sleep just then, but praying that prayer helped me feel God’s love. Then I said the “Daily Prayer” and the Lord’s Prayer.*

I felt much better after praying. So I went to find Mummy. She told me that she had been praying, too. I was feeling good again as we went back to the rest of my family.
Thank you, God.
*You can find the “Daily Prayer” in the Church Manual (Mary Baker Eddy, p. 41) and the Lord’s Prayer in chapter 6 of the Bible’s book of Matthew.