How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! (Isaiah 52:7)

Our August, 2023 Newsletter

Reading Room Newsletter

August 2023

Dear Friends,

This month's CSMonitor article features Saudi Arabia's work to reforest the desert!  Who would expect Saudi's have a committed green agenda? As Isaiah says, ... the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest. (Isa. 32:15) I hope you enjoy the Monitor article on this subject.  I was blown away!  

Mark the books?  Who me?  NO THANKS!!  Actually ...marking the books can be a spiritually enriching practice.  We have at least half a dozen members that mark their books each week and they are very passionate about it. As a result of this interest we are starting a book marking group.  We will meet Sundays after the service in the Sunday school.   We have included a 1907 Sentinel article below explaining the importance of actually marking the lesson. 

Bible Lesson Workshop is a popular Friday activity at the Reading Room.  Members and friends meet for an hour to share research on the current Bible Lesson.  The resources are available in book form from the Reading Room or online.  

Online Resources:
For Strong's:,
For Websters 1828 Dictionary: 
See the bulletin board in the church foyer for an illustration of this kind of study. 

With love,
Andrea Hunter, Librarian
Hallie Keel, Asst. Librarian / Editor

Contact us at

Newsletter Links also at


Can The Oil Industry Help Address Climate Change? ...

"A bulldozer and a crane lift barren earth from the ground at breakneck speed as six men in white thobe gowns tied around their waists carefully stack 100-pound slabs of rock in a long, neat rows....  The men work in a flat, exposed, dusty expanse pockmarked with hundreds of neatly dug holes, 

This grand project is not the start of another gleaming skyscraper. It is something even more audacious: a future forest. 

“Greening needs effort and patience,” Abdullah al-Issa, or Abu Brahim, says as he directs the preparations for planting 30,000 saplings..."

We invite you to read this riveting article on how the Saudi's are restoring forest in the desert.  Sound familiar?  

... the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest.
(Isa. 32:15)

Read the Article!
MBE Library Podcast
Weekly Event
Bible Lesson Workshop

Fridays @ 12:00 NOON

Come in person or call in
to arrange call-in please email

"Acquaintance the original texts...
makes the Bible the chart of life..."  

Mary Baker Eddy


WHY MARK THE LESSON? Isn't the full text progress? 



"It seemed to him the height of folly for one to "waste" so much time in clerical routine by ...looking up the same references time after time. Why did not the Publishing Society print the text of the Lessons, instead of requiring the thousands of searchers to devote so much time to "needless" work?"

Note:  This article was published in 1907 - during Mrs. Eddy's time.  

Link to Article

PRICE DECREASE: Red Chalk Holder

We are delighted to share a significant price decrease on our red chalk holder from $30.00 to $12.00.  (chalk not included)

PRICE INCREASE: Blue 5mm Chalk

The Blue 5mm Chalk price has increased due to rising costs from our supplier.  Retail is now $30. However, we will be charging retail - $26.00.  

COMING SOON: Variety Pack 11mm Chalk

We will soon begin selling new wider 11mm chalk. It will be more economical and come in a variety pack of blues and purples. More details will be coming soon.

NOTE:  Discounted sets of Markers available while supplies last. 


N E W:



Sundays from 11:00 to 11:30


If you need markers or marking supplies check with the Reading Room. We have many things in stock.  Special orders will arrive in 3-5 business days. 


Christian Science in Dentistry

Ivy Gwalter 

I am a little girl ten years old, and have had many demonstrations. I am very much interested in reading the children's demonstrations. I thought some of the children might like to hear one of mine.

I had to go to the dentist to have some teeth filled, and as I always had been very much afraid of going before, I thought I ought to overcome fear, so I read Science and Health, and treated myself several days before going, knowing that "perfect love casteth out fear," and God did not send fear or pain. I did not have any fear or pain. I had to go to the dentist twice and he said I was very good. Then I knew I had really made the demonstration, but I knew it was God that made it, and not myself. I go to Sunday School every Sunday, and to Church too. We are all Scientists, and love Christian Science very much.

Ivy Gwalter, New York, N. Y.

AUGUST 16, 1900


Link to Article
Hours of Operation


Monday 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Tuesday 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Wednesday 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm
Thursday 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Friday 11:00 am - 2:00 pm - (Bible Lesson Workshop 12:00 - 1:00 pm)
Saturday 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday -briefly after the service

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Roswell
10920 Houze Rd., Roswell, GA 30076  / Phone: 770-998-9977  

Contact us 
Librarian: / Clerk:

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